Spiritual Practice: Silence and Solitude Challenge

November 21, 2023 | Jackson Sandala

“The invitation to solitude and silence is just that. It is an invitation to enter more deeply into the intimacy of relationship with the One who waits just outside the noise and busyness of our lives. It is an invitation to communication and communion with the One who is always present even when our awareness has been dulled by distraction.” Ruth Haley Barton, Invitation to Solitude and Silence 

As we continue our journey in the new life that Jesus provides, here are a few encouragements and pro tips of mine for practicing solitude and silence:

- Finding time for silence and solitude can be difficult. Instead of adding these practices to your overscheduled week, try replacing one of your usual activities with this spiritual practice.   

- Write a list of the activities that you do in your free time, things like social media browsing, reading, listening to podcasts, playing games, watching television, etc. Then do some heart work. Which of these activities gives you the rest and peace you need? Which of these activities tricks you into thinking you're "taking some down time" when you're really just getting regular dopamine hits that give the illusion of rest? 

 - When you enter into silence and solitude, don’t do anything to distract yourself. Find out what’s going on in your mind and bring it to God through prayer.

Crawl - Try spending five minutes in solitude and silence today.

Walk - Spend ten minutes in solitude and silence each day this week.

Run - Spend an hour in solitude and silence each day this week.

To learn more about practicing silence and solitude, I'd encourage you to check out Ruth Haley Barton's Invitation to Solitude and Silence: Experiencing God's Transforming Presence.

I'd also encourage you to check out The Solitude Practice by John Mark Comer, a free online resource about silence and solitude that includes teachings, readings, and ways to practice this spiritual rhythm.
