Spiritual Practice: Sabbath Challenge

November 28, 2023 | Jake Harp

Sabbath. Followers of God in the Old Testament participated in its celebration, our Lord and Savior practiced it, and Christians of all different flavors have engaged in this ancient discipline to bring themselves closer to God. God gave his people the sabbath instruction as part of the “Ten Commandments” as a gift to help them live how he designed them to live. As Jesus said, “The sabbath was made for man” (Mark 2:27a). While Jesus warned against a legalistic abuse of this specific practice (“man was not made for the sabbath”- Mark 2:27b), he consistently reinforced the value of the sabbath through his own actions and teachings. There are many facets of the sabbath, but the primary purpose is to rest from work in order to spend time with God. In this time with God, we worship him in a variety of ways. 

There are many different ways to engage in this rhythm, but here are several possible first steps:

Crawl - Commit to cease work for the day you choose to sabbath this week. 

WalkIn addition to a commitment to cease work for a day, plan a special meal with your family or community to spend time together and talk about what you love about God.

Run In addition to a commitment to cease work for a day, take a complete break from screens on your chosen sabbath day. Turn your phone off, power down your television, and plan to spend time doing things that aren’t mediated by technology.

A great resource to generate more sabbath practice ideas can be found here.
