Praying the Examen

October 30, 2023 | Glenn Johnson

The Examen is a method of praying, first practiced by St. Ignatius of Loyola. It asks you to slow down and notice what God has done, is doing, and desires to do in you and through you. Often, these things are present in our days and weeks, but we’re too busy or distracted to allow our minds and hearts to stop, notice, and reflect on the new life that we get to experience. This practice is ideal at the end of your day as an act of awareness and remembrance.

-Begin by thinking back over your day - from when you first got out of bed to the present moment. Ask God to reveal what He wants you to see from your day. Don’t rush this; allow the Spirit to guide your memory.

-Give thanks to God for the good things from your day. Don’t overthink it - the simpler, the better. A good meal, a good cup of coffee, a fulfilling moment at work, a deep conversation. Thank Him for these simple joys.

-Become aware of any emotions you carried throughout the day. It could be joy, peace, expectation, or patience; it also could be sorrow, frustration, lust, or anger…don’t judge yourself, just notice the moments as they occurred and ask God to reveal how he may be speaking to you through those feelings.

-Spend a few minutes in listening prayer, asking God to speak to you about those moments and emotions, and then respond with whatever is appropriate - gratitude, intercession, petition, repentance, or praise.

-Finally, look ahead to the day to come. Ask God to prepare your heart and mind for whatever tomorrow may bring. Release control of any tightly held expectations. Ask for a heart and mind more in tune with Him.
