Prayer of Confession

November 13, 2023 | Jake Harp

Today we’ll be praying a prayer of confession. While our sin confronts us daily, we tend to pray prayers of confession far less frequently. Here are a few tips for engaging in confession:

- Confession is not the overall goal of prayer. It’s easy to put our sins on a pedestal only reserved for God. Some faith traditions elevate the conversation around sin to the point of idolatry, and we must avoid this. Our faith is not primarily about sin management.

- Confession should not be a neglected part of prayer either. Sin is a big deal to God, and the Bible instructs us to confess our sins.

- Make confession part of a longer conversation with God. 

- Some folks will pray a general prayer of confession over their sins. This is well within the scope of what the Bible teaches. That being said, I’ve found that my confession times with God are more fruitful, even though painful, when I pray about specific sins in my life. As we are in the NEW LIFE season, if you have been unfaithful in your stewardship and generosity, confess that.

- Ask God for forgiveness for the sins you mentioned and any other sins that you may not have noticed.

- Rest in the peace of your relationship with God, knowing with confidence that he forgives you and loves you dearly.
