NEW LIFE for Others: Same As U

November 3, 2023 | Mary Ellen Stuber


Hello, Venture!

What are you good at?

When I asked some of my students the same question as part of a recent lesson, here is a sampling of what they told me: art, puzzles, mowing, singing, telling jokes, science, bowling, facts and trivia, games, and dancing. Then we discussed how God has made us all differently with special skills, interests, and talents. Not coincidentally, I see some of my personal skills in that list – what about you?

I am a teacher, but not in a typical public or private school. In fact, my job is anything but typical, and that’s why I love it. A question you should be considering when looking in the mirror every night: “Does my day include dance breaks and scheduled time for walks?”

I work at Same As U. Same As U provides full-day programming for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It promotes lifelong learning in a college-like atmosphere. Our students learn about subjects as varied as current events, holidays, music, art, job skills, and the Bible (and everything in between).

As part of our new student onboarding, we ask potential students what they are hoping to get from school, and the answer I see the most is that they want to make friends. They have been involved in high school sports, activities, classes, and targeted church programs for years, but these all end after high school graduation. For our population, this loss leaves a big hole in their lives. After high school, many move from full schedules with learning and socialization to long periods of overwhelming isolation. Remember 2020? We all got to witness in real-time that nobody does well in isolation, so we desire to fill that gap for these young adults.

Same As U has been blessed with an amazing property in Noblesville, and we have big dreams for what we would like it to look like in the future. I am so excited for my church family to partner with Same As U as part of the NEW LIFE journey.

If you’re interested in learning more about who we are and what we do, or if you’d like to use what you’re good at to serve at Same As U, please contact me. I would love to give you a tour and introduce you to some amazing young adults. Depending on your personal preference, it can be during or after our dance break.

Mary Ellen Stuber
