ACTS Prayer

November 27, 2023 | Jake Harp

For our last NEW LIFE prayer prompt for the season, I want to encourage you to use the ACTS model. In this acronym, each letter stands for a different aspect of prayer, and it is one that you can do with both kids and adults, new Christians and experienced Christians alike.

A: Adoration
This type of prayer is praising God for who he is. What do you adore about God?

C: Confession
This type of prayer is acknowledging to God the sin present in your life. While God already knows our sin, this clear articulation forces us to face our sin and allows us to humbly submit to Jesus for forgiveness.

T: Thanksgiving
This type of prayer is similar to adoration (there is definitely overlap). Instead of offering praises to God for his identity, you are thanking him for his action in your life and the lives of others.

S: Supplication
This type of prayer is requesting things from God (either for ourselves or on behalf of others).


Finish these phrases during a prayer to follow the ACTS model.

Adoration:  God, I adore you because _______________ (insert something you love about God’s character).

Confession:  I confess that I have sinned by __________ (insert specific way you have missed the mark of God’s will for your life).

Thanksgiving:  I thank you for ______________________ (insert something you’re thankful that God has done).

Supplication:  Please be with _______________________ (insert the name of a person - could be yourself - and a situation with which they need God’s help).

