Sunday, July 20, 2025 - Thursday, July 24, 2025
Camp Allendale
Leader: Joy Fehl |
Camp Allendale: 4605 S Allendale Dr, Trafalgar, IN US 46181
Join us July 20-24 for an amazing week of summer camp at Camp Allendale! Our 3rd-4th and 5th-6th graders join their peers as they experience outdoor adventures, games, and learning about how to have a personal relationship with Jesus. We are excited to partner with other churches to create a unique week of large group worship and high-energy programming.
Register before April 1st for discounted pricing.
Adults and teens, we need your help. Summer camp isn't complete without you! At Camp Allendale, adults and teens ages 16+ help make a lifelong impact in the next generation of our church. You get to have all the fun of camp PLUS help a child discover they are known and loved by God.