
We encourage everyone who calls Venture home to join us for this 10-week small group discipleship experience, kicking off on August 11! During Rooted, participants will discover more about God, the Church, and their purpose by exploring the Bible, engaging in unique experiences, sharing stories, and practicing the rhythms of a life with Jesus. If you are not already in a small group, we will be happy to place you in one!

The total cost for this experience will be $40/person. This covers your Rooted book, supplies for a special serve day, a Rooted t-shirt, and a celebration at the end of the 10 weeks.

Sign Up Here

Fall 2024 Schedule

Week 1 - What is Rooted?

Week 2 - Who is God?

Week 3 - How Does God Speak to Us?

Week 4 - Where is God in the Middle of Suffering?

Week 5 - There is an Enemy

Week 6 - How Can I Make the Most of My Life? - Part 1

Week 7 - How Can I Make the Most of My Life? - Part 2

Week 8 - How Does God View Money?

Week 9 - Why and How Should I Tell Others?

Week 10 - Why is the Church Important?

Week 11 - Rooted Celebration 


The 3 Rhythms of Rooted

Personal Rhythms

Rooted specifically challenges participants to grow in several personal rhythms of faith, including daily engagement with God, scripture reading, scripture memorization, prayer, generosity, repentance, sharing stories, serving, fasting, and worship.

Group Rhythms

Rooted encourages growth in group rhythms, including discussion participation, vulnerability, prayer for and with other group members, serving together, accountability, flexibility, celebration of milestones, and encouragement.

Church Rhythms

Rooted grows the spiritual rhythms of our church, including areas such as evangelism, generosity, serving in the church and in the community, and creating an overall culture of openness, care, worship, learning, and prayer.


Simply put, Rooted allows participants to more effectively pursue the goal of all of our Venture Groups: obeying Jesus together.

This holistic discipleship experience simultaneously raises the temperature of participants' individual spiritual rhythms, on each group's spiritual rhythms, and on the church's overall spiritual rhythms.

Rooted is the primary on-ramp to small groups. As you get to know the other people in your group, you will share important aspects of your life and journey together over the course of the 10 weeks. Rooted groups that commit to 10 weeks together are already in a perfect place to start a new small group, and so we strongly advise that you try Rooted before joining an open Venture Group. 

Our Rooted team will prayerfully place participants into groups of about 10-14 people. We consider time availability, age, marital status, geographical location, and life stage when grouping. These groups ultimately depend upon the demographics of those who registered. A substantial amount of prayer and thoughtfulness goes into creating groups that we think will provide the best experience for all people who attend. While we do our best to honor requests when possible, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate all friend or leader requests.

Yes, existing small groups are strongly encouraged to go through Rooted together! The most effective Rooted group size is between 12-14, so if your group is smaller or larger, we may ask you to include others, or to form multiple groups in order to provide the best possible experience. Contact Jake Harp at to find out how your Venture Group may participate in Rooted together.

Most new groups going through Rooted will launch at Venture Christian Church on Wednesday evenings. Existing groups going through Rooted will meet at their normal gathering place.

With enough participation, our goal is to have childcare available for children 0 yrs. - 4th grade at Venture on Wednesday evenings only for all 10 weeks. Dinner will not be provided, so please eat before or pack food for your child. Normal children's programming will be available for children 0 yrs. - 6th grade at Venture at specific times on Sunday mornings only for all 10 weeks. Programming will be used instead of childcare for our Sunday morning groups.

We understand that Rooted is a large time commitment, but we believe it is worth it to invest in the entire process. If you know you are going to miss more than 2 meetings, we ask that you wait until the next session of Rooted. The 10 weeks are a cumulative experience, and so we ask that every participant commit to honor one another by being at every meeting and participating.

You will receive your workbook the first time you meet together with your group. Your leader will have your materials and walk you through how to use them.

We do not want finances to limit your involvement in Rooted. Scholarships are available for those who would like to take part in Rooted but are unable to due to finances. Please click the button below to apply for a scholarship. Any questions can be directed to .

Scholarship Application

Service Times:
Sundays at: 9:30a & 11a