We exist to help more people know Jesus and live like Him every day.

We believe that following Jesus not only gives us a better life but also makes us better at life! Explore these opportunities that have been designed to meet the needs of each specific type of adult group.

God created us to do life together. If you are not already connected into a smaller community within Venture, we have many opportunities for you to get connected!

Venture seeks to equip men for true success to transform the world to God’s glory at home, work, and church.

We are committed to providing men with opportunities to grow in their spiritual maturity, connect with other men for friendship, and serve God at church and in the world.

  • Men’s Friday Breakfast Fellowship (Band of Brothers): A group of guys doing life together! We support, encourage, and hold each other accountable. For more information on how to get involved, contact the church office at .

We offer small groups and transformational events that will empower women to make significant changes in their lives, churches, and culture.

  •  Women's Groups: At our women's groups, women seek to grow in devotion and discipleship to Jesus Christ through friendships, Bible study, and shared experiences. All women are welcome!
    • Our Monday Evening Women's Group meets from 7:00-8:30p in the home of one of the group members. For more information, contact group leader Shelley Bogue.
    • Our Wednesday Morning Women’s Group meets from 9:30-11:00a in room 123. For more information, contact group leader Krista Hilgendorf.
    • Our Friday Morning Women’s Group meets from 9:00-11:00a in room 112. For more information, contact group leader Betty Titus.

  • Venture Moms: Moms of all ages, you're invited to Venture Moms! Whether you're a mom of an infant, or if your kids have grown and flown, you are welcome here. Motherhood has its own joys... stresses... ups... and downs... and no one understands that better than another mom. Venture Moms is a group of women supporting and encouraging each other, and just hanging out and having fun together!

    Join our list here to be contacted about upcoming events!

  • Women's Retreat: Each fall, Venture women take a break from the everyday and join together for the Venture Women's Retreat. This is an encouraging weekend to draw closer to God and to each other through study, prayer, relaxation and fun! Dates for our next retreat are currently TBD.

In a Sunday Morning Group, you can…

  • Experience God’s transforming power
  • Develop a solid understanding of God’s Word
  • Experience real life-change
  • Be part of a supportive community of like-minded people

If you are ready to experience God’s life-changing power, check out these communities. For more information, contact Jake Harp at

  • Teacher: Tim Renner (multigenerational)
    8:15 in room 123 
  • Teacher: Frank Runion (typical age: 40s-50s)
    9:30a in room 109
  • Teacher: Mike Scholl (typical age: 40s and over)
    9:30a in room 107
  • Teacher: Doug Zabonick (typical age: 40s-60s)
    9:30a in room 114 
  • Teacher: Josh Nichols (typical age: 25 and over)
    9:30a in room 119/120 
  • Teacher: Kyle Hilgendorf (typical age: 30s-40s)
    11a in room 109 
  • Teacher: Ben Carnes (typical age: 30s)
    11a in room 106
  • Teacher: Paul Duke (typical age: 30s-40s)
    11a in room 119/120
  • Teacher: Mike Johnston (multigenerational)
    11a in room 111/112

What is a Weekday or Weeknight Group?

These are small communities made up of 8-12 people who meet to have fun together, eat good food, discuss the Bible, and pray for each other. Some of our groups meet in homes, while others meet right here at the church!

Why join a Weekday or Weeknight Group?

You can develop quality, meaningful relationships with other Christians who help and encourage each other to become more like Jesus.

How Do I Join a Weekday or Weeknight Group?

Fill out this form to join a home group!


Service Times:
Sundays at: 9:30a & 11a